
wīg, n.n: fight, battle, war; fighting force (abstract or concrete), valour; troops. (WEE / ˈwiːj)

The Crusader Bible. France (Paris), 1240s. Morgan Library & Museum, MS M.638, f. 10v. [themorgan.org]

5 thoughts on “wīg

  1. Victory at Ai (Canaan):
    “A furious slaughter ensues as Joshua leads the Israelites once more against the city of Ai. Astride a bay horse fitted out with white trappings, Joshua deals a terrible blow with his two-handed glaive (a type of broadsword), splitting an opponent at the waist and spilling his entrails. The despairing defenders flee toward the besieged city, but they are clearly lost: above them, the king of Ai is suspended from a war engine. Meanwhile Israelite foot soldiers attack with crossbows and ladders at the city gate.” (Joshua 8:18–29)

    From The Morgan Crusader Bible of Louis IX or Maciejowski Bible or The Bible of Shah Abbas. (Ms Morgan 638, folio 10v)


  2. From The Morgan Crusader Bible of Louis IX or Maciejowski Bible or The Bible of Shah Abbas (Ms Morgan 638, folio 10v)
    Victory at Ai (Caanan):
    “A furious slaughter ensues as Joshua leads the Israelites once more against the city of Ai. Astride a bay horse fitted out with white trappings, Joshua deals a terrible blow with his two-handed glaive (a type of broadsword), splitting an opponent at the waist and spilling his entrails. The despairing defenders flee toward the besieged city, but they are clearly lost: above them, the king of Ai is suspended from a war engine. Meanwhile Israelite foot soldiers attack with crossbows and ladders at the city gate. (Joshua 8:18–29), splitting an opponent at the waist and spilling his entrails. The despairing defenders flee toward the besieged city, but they are clearly lost: above them, the king of Ai is suspended from a war engine. Meanwhile Israelite foot soldiers attack with crossbows and ladders at the city gate.” (Joshua 8:18–29)



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